The Step-by-Step Guide To Carport Kits

Carport kits have been trending over the last five to ten years as more commercial and residential spaces have placed a greater emphasis on the overall well-being of vehicle protection. This is due, in part, to the rise of consumer power. Now that folks have more choices about where they will live or shop, proprietors know that they’ve got to cater to consumers much more than before.


Another reason for the rise in carport kit popularity may be that the average price of a new car has now gone above $48,000. Protecting such a big investment may be a shrewd way of avoiding penalties from auto insurance companies. Nonetheless, these garage counterparts are having quite a moment, but little is really known about them.


Generally, the best carport kits have the following:


  • All requisite hardware/parts

  • Detailed instructions for the structure and/or additional bits like a roll-up door or wall options. 


But carport kits can get more detailed. There are also options available for roofing panel types, as well as miscellaneous items such as endwalls and commercial ridge vents. What seemed like just a simple structure meant to protect a vehicle or two all of a sudden has a few more moving parts, so to speak.


Consider the following:


Understanding the Main Purpose — Sure, protection of vehicles is usually priority number one for a carport. But over the years, folks have pushed for greater versatility in everything they own, including carports and garages. Breaking down exactly what is needed from a carport can help determine the type of kit needed.


Level of Customization — Of course, the type of kit needed may not be available in a ‘standard’ model. Customers can customize a carport kit for a particular application. The best manufacturer/suppliers do this on a regular basis, so finding the right partner will be crucial to getting the best carport solution.


Available Budget — No amount of carport kit shopping would be complete without knowing how much money is available to spend. This isn’t to say that there are little to no options for the financially strapped. In fact, the best manufacturer/suppliers of carport kits take great pride in working with clients no matter the size of their budget so as to help them find a solid solution.


Accounting for Space — The last thing anyone wants to do is order a carport kit that is entirely too small or too big. Find out how much space is needed with respect to the things that will be kept under the roof. This proves to be very important, especially when a carport may serve more than one purpose.


Accounting for All Costs — One reason carport kits have grown in popularity is the very reasonable prices. Even with an additional trim package, the price is still quite low. However, there are things to be considered when calculating a ‘final’ cost. Pricing for tax and freight, not to mention hiring a contractor for the installation, can add up quickly. Some may decide that a DIY approach is best for the install, but that doesn’t account for one of the bigger costs — danger. As straightforward and simple as these kits are built, they may not be as accessible to some as others in terms of their ease of installation. Hiring a professional is the better bet.

Mueller, Inc. is synonymous with the best carport kits anywhere. Touch base with us today and see why we’ve been a trusted name for nearly 100 years.