The Mechanic's Guide To Metal Commercial Buildings

Metal commercial buildings come in all shapes and sizes. It’s for this and many other reasons that mechanics, and auto repair shops in total, flock to them. Regardless of their popularity, though, it’s important to think about whether the metal building option is a good option for everyone in the profession.


This can be a bit of an odd position to be in. It’s not so much that it’s a matter of considering an all wood, dovetail joint construction for an automotive repair shop. It’s more a matter of understanding what exactly a metal commercial building brings to the table.


Consider the following:



Mechanics are also entrepreneurs, too. Though they enjoy the ability to make a little money with repairs here and there, being able to ramp up business is a major goal. Where there was once single project work, there may be a time when multiple bays may be needed. It’s important for a mechanic with aspirations of growth to think a bit down the road before fully committing to a building option.


Quick Construction and Delivery

Metal commercial buildings, even those on slightly larger scales, tend to have very fast turnaround times. Combined with fast delivery time, mechanics are able to get up and running sooner. The key is working with a metal building supplier with self-sufficient locations nearby.


Local Codes

Anytime new construction goes up, it’s important to check on local building codes to make sure everything is on the up and up. Also, auto repair spaces have specialized machinery, work with caustic chemicals, and have a need for specific construction for better access to a vehicle. Cross your Ts and dot your lowercase Js at this stage.


Open Design

Putting up walls akin to office cubicles inside of a garage would be silly. The kind of space needed for auto repairs is both up AND down. This includes lifts that raise vehicles off the ground, automotive service pits below ground, and any machinery needed to either side. Access to all of these service-specific things, as well as access to the vehicle, are vital to a proper building design.


Strength, Durability, and Security

Automotive buildings house vehicles worth tens of thousands of dollars, not to mention the expensive machinery and supplies used in repairs. A metal commercial building must be able to withstand regional weather, be relatively maintenance-free, and be secure when there is no one on the premises. Not all metal building manufacturers can deliver on this.

Ultimately, though, the biggest x-factor that mechanics need to consider when it comes to metal commercial buildings is putting together an exact design for one’s needs. This is where the metal building supplier chosen makes all the difference in the world. The right manufacturing partner can work with you to draft possible solutions, help you use their state-of-the-art 3D designs tools, and use their extensive background to provide guidance and give advice.


Mechanics don’t just fix stuff. They provide insight on where a vehicle is now and where it can be in the future. If you’re a mechanic looking at metal commercial buildings, take the time to find the RIGHT supplier that does the same for you.


Trust your metal commercial building needs to Mueller, Inc., leaders in the steel building industry for over 85 years. Contact us today.